01-05-23 – Electronic Vehicles – The Challenges of Changing our Transportation System

January 5, 2023 at 7:30 am

At Tower Club One Financial Plaza, 28th floor 100 S.E. Third Ave. Fort Lauderdale

Electronic Vehicles - The Challenges of Changing our Transportation System

The mission to reduce the concentration of Green House Gases put into the Earth’s atmosphere by our rolling stock of vehicles is a good thing. If you draw a box around a ZEV and monitor the exhaust compared to an ICE, then mission accomplished! Draw a larger box around the entire process of creating, charging, maintaining, and decommissioning an EV, then the result is changed because there are GHGs produced in the wider view.

If the current projections and goals are met, then there could be 48 million EV’s on the road in 2030. In addition to the costs, charging times, operating costs and issues of the vehicles themselves, creating the infrastructure and making it all work together as a system will have challenges that need to be overcome.

This Forum will examine the issues and discuss what it will take to get there.

Building the electric-vehicle charging infrastructure America needs

Electric Vehicles May not be Able to Dominate the Automotive Industry in the Near Term: Challenges Still Remain.

Tom Holcombe

Atom Power Vice President Of Sales – EVSE Commercial Channel Development Director

Jason Gaschel, Project Director


Thomas J. Pack, P.E.

Chief Technology Officer At ACR Electronics, Inc.

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